a little glimpse

Jesus went up a mountain with three of his closest disciples.  There, his appearance changed, and his face was bright light and clothing were white and dazzling.  Then Moses and Elijah (great leaders and prophets of the people of Israel) appeared talking with Jesus. Finally, a voice from a luminous cloud identified Jesus as God’s beloved son, declared God was pleased, and instructed them to listen to Jesus.  As suddenly as it had happened, it was all over.  As they returned from the mountain, Jesus ordered them not to tell anyone.

This week we make a big transition in the church year.  In the weeks after Christmas, our readings and themes have led us to see how God is here, present and active in the world, bringing light to all people.  On Wednesday, that focus will change as Ash Wednesday ushers in Lent.  For the next six weeks, our readings and themes will focus on Jesus’ journey to the cross and then resurrection.  Through Lent, we look honestly at our human failings and seek ways to turn and move closer to God. 

I like the fact that each year, just before we begin the journey through Lent to Jesus’ death on the cross,  we hear this dramatic story about Jesus in his true splendor revealed on the mountain. Transfiguration gives us a little glimpse of the resurrection.  It is possible that the disciples or Jesus thought back to that moment on the mountain when things were particularly difficult or dire, remembering the bright hope and promises of God despite the struggles they were facing.

May we find hope as we make our way through the challenges each day brings and the reflective season of Lent.  May we find comfort and encouragement in the countless ways God is here in world.  May we notice how God brings hope and light when we need them most.  Like the sun breaking through gray clouds on a bleak winter day.  Like the smile of a friend.  Like a much-needed hug from a family member. There are so many moments where a sound or a sight or a touch can reminds us that possibilities and opportunities fill our lives and that God is here.



weekly prayer | Jesus dazzling on the mountain in Matthew 17

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