“Lutheran Campus Ministry is very grounding for me in college. It has provided a safe and a fun space where I can grow spiritually as well as personally. I am really grateful for all the opportunities it has given me.”
Sydney Robinson has finished her second year at Penn State double majoring in Global and International Studies & English. She is from Frederick, Maryland. Sydney is spending the summer in Washington, DC through a fellowship where she is part of a team of university students teaching high school students about social justice. She will also travel to Romania through another fellowship later this summer.
Your gift can help Lutheran Campus Ministry continue to make an impact on Sydney and other students who are looking for a place to grow spiritually and find grounding in their college lives. Gifts made in May and June will be matched, doubling the impact!
Please use THIS LINK to make a gift or mail your gift to Lutheran Campus Ministry at 211A Pasquerilla Spiritual Center University Park, PA 16802. Thank you!