“Everyone knows how harsh college life can be. The competition levels are through the roof. It can be hard to be heard. Lutheran Campus Ministry has given me a safe space to really be heard. Everyone is always bouncing thoughts and ideas off each other and it has given me something to really look forward to throughout the week.”
Logan Carbaugh has just completed his second year at Penn State and is majoring in Pharmacology. He is from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and is spending the summer doing a data analysis internship virtually. He plans to take the MCAT early next year in preparation for applying to medical school.
Your support will help Lutheran Campus Ministry continue to gather students into a supportive and caring community where everyone is seen and heard, and welcomed to come as they are. Remember, May and June gifts will be matched dollar-for-dollar!
You can use THIS LINK for online contributions, or mail to LCM at 211A Pasquerilla Spiritual Center, University Park, PA 16802. Thank you for helping make an impact on students!