For the past two weeks, we have been sharing highlights from alums remembering why they are thankful for Lutheran Campus Ministry at Penn State and Lutheran Student Community.
Check out our Instagram or Facebook to see their comments and photos from years past.
You can help Lutheran Campus Ministry continue to walk with students in the challenges and joys of campus life.
Your support will make sure that students have the opportunity to be part of a community of faith that welcomes them, invites them to encounter God, helps them grow in their understanding of faith and God’s work in the world, and offers ways to live out their faith in daily life.
This Giving Tuesday, you can make a gift via our PayPal link or by mailing a check to Lutheran Campus Ministry at Penn State, 211A Pasquerilla Spiritual Center, University Park, PA 16802
Your gifts of support help us continue!
Questions? Contact Alicia Anderson, Campus Minister at