a nap & a snack

This week’s lesson from the Hebrew Bible is a story about the prophet Elijah.  He’s been working hard, doing what God has called him to do and things are overwhelming and kinda awful.  He goes into the wilderness (a place away from civilization where people may just encounter God) and sits down under the lone tree he encounters.  He is irritated and worn out.  He asks God to “take away [his] life.”  Elijah has had it. 

Then Elijah lays down and sleeps.  He is awakened by an angel who invites him to eat and drink (Where would bread and water come from in the desolate wilderness?!).  After he eats, Elijah lays down again.  The angel returns and urges him, “Get up and eat, otherwise the journey will be too much for you.”  Elijah “went in the strength of that food” for 40 days and nights to Mount Horeb, a holy mountain where God was known to dwell.  Here’s another quick summary from Twitter: “This is your gentle reminder that one time in the Bible, Elijah was like, ‘God, I’m so mad! I want to die!’ so God said, ‘Here’s some food. Why don’t you have a nap?’ So Elijah slept, ate & decided things weren’t so bad.  Never underestimate the spiritual power of a nap and a snack. “  @joynessthebrave (Joy Clarkson)

Scripture is filled with stories of people following God who we can related to. We see the whole scope of the human family: imperfect and struggling people, people with good intentions who keep screwing up, even people who are barely trying to follow God. Even the amazingly faithful ones have off days or make bad choices.  Or like Elijah in this story, sometimes they have had enough and are ready to just stop.  At that point, God’s presence is made known.  God comes to Elijah with the gifts of nourishment and rest and he is renewed enough for a massive journey.

This story reminds me of hundreds of times someone in my family was absolutely out of coping skills, hangry and ready to abandon their tasks, their plans, and their family.  Then, magically, a snack and some sleep changed everything.  Elijah could easily be one of us – so human, so familiar.

As summer winds down and the start of the academic year draws close, it is good to remember that as we face demands and difficulties, caring for our bodies, minds, and spirits will help.  God comes to us with gifts of nourishment and rest that are essential for the demanding tasks we face daily.  Sometimes it really is a snack and a nap that we need.  Other times, it is a conversation with a loved one and a break from the tasks at hand.  Or some time reading and a walk alone.  Refueling and resting looks different in each situation. 

May you find the nourishment and rest you need as you take on the challenges and demands of each day.



Weekly Prayer | Elijah’s story in 1 Kings 19

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