good shepherd

One repeated image for God in scripture is a shepherd.  A good shepherd.  One who sees and provides for the needs of the creatures in their care.  Who helps the flock find safe and abundant places to feed and find rest.  Who walks with the flock through places of danger and death, providing comfort and protection.  Who knows the individual sheep and is known by them, too.  Who is committed to the care and safety of the sheep, guarding them against attack.  Who prioritizes the needs of these vulnerable creatures, in contrast to one who flees at the threat of danger.

Though I have very little contact with sheep in my life, this is good shepherd image is a powerful and comforting one.  The notion of God caring for us all as an attentive, wise and committed shepherd is reassuring.  God helps to bring us to places of beauty and safety, and knows us and our needs well enough to help provide for us. God walks with us through dangerous and difficult places and times, providing reassuring protecting.  God journeys with us through the beautiful and the awful parts of our lives, tirelessly, selflessly and deeply committed to our care.

No wonder this image for God persists even in places where shepherds are few and far between. 

Peace, my friends.


Psalm 23 and John 10

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