Lent 2021 – Week 4


We are created to be in community with other people.  Relationships bring us both immense joy and incredible challenges.   The people in our lives show us that we are loved and help us to grow.  Reach out to someone in your life.  A friend, a family member, or some you are just beginning to know.

-Connect using phone, video call or talk in person.  Email or text will work, too.

-Begin with a slow, deep breath.

-Talk. Listen. Enjoy the interaction, the human connection. 

-Think about the relationship you have.  Consider the place you have in each other’s lives.

-End with another slow, deep breath.

-Afterwards, spend a few minutes writing/blogging about the experience.   Where did you notice God?  How did this conversation impact you?   What did you discover?

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