Adding your input

Campus Ministry matters.

I hear from students like you that campus ministry is one of the few places in college life where they can go and be welcome just as they are.
No requirements.  No strings.  No judgement.

We strive to provide a place where you can simply be who you are, share worship, enjoy a meal, tell your story, make friends, do service, talk about faith, take time away, or simply have a good laugh.
God welcomes and loves each of us, just as we are.
Seems like the right way to build a community of Jesus, too.

You’ll find communities like ours on campuses all across the country.  OK, none of the others are exactly like ours, but they are all built on the same values and priorities: God’s welcome.  Love of neighbor. Grace without any strings attached.

This network of ministries on nearly 200 campuses is called LuMin, or Lutheran Campus Ministry Network.  This fall, LuMin is using an online survey to gather info from students connected with campus ministries.  It is a research project that will help us hear  from students about your lives, help us better shape our work, and help us tell other people of God what is important to students now.

The deadline to complete the survey is next week, so please take a few minutes to tell us about you.  We are eager to hear from as many college and university students as we can.  We want to hear from you!  (By the way, it is entirely confidential).

Here’s the link:

Help us learn as much as we can so that we can more faithfully and effectively build community, engage questions of life and faith, and empower students to live lives of service to our neighbors.

Thanks for your help!


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    Lutheran Campus Ministry 211A Pasquerilla Spiritual Center University Park, PA 16802
    (814) 865-0715 |

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