Outdoor Worship and Picnic – September 4th!

Sunday, September 4th, Grace Lutheran Church is going on the road!!

Come for worship and lunch!

Everyone is welcome to join the fun as Grace Lutheran moves the 10:30 am worship service to the amphitheater  at Tussey Mountain!  Worship will begin at 11 am (to give time for everyone to get there!) and will be followed by a plentiful and delicious church picnic!  Plan to dress for the weather (cooler at last) and stay through lunch.  Worship will feature a blend of the typical 10:30 am worship service and the typical 6 pm worship service.

Just arrive at the ramp entrance of Grace Lutheran (nearest Garner Street).  You can catch a ride with a Grace Member or other students.  And if you only have time for worship, we will give you ride back to campus between worship and lunch!

Additional drivers are still welcome – so email Alicia Anderson if you have a car and can help transport people.

Questions?  Just contact Alicia Anderson, campus minister!

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    (814) 865-0715 |

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