Holy week certainly involves a wide range of emotions.
We begin with Palm Sunday and Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem surrounded by the crowds celebrating and shouting Hosanna with joy, hope and expectation. Maundy Thursday brings a quiet, intimate and powerful evening where Jesus gathers the disciples over a meal. He uses bread and wine to invite his followers into a transformation, redemption and community. Jesus washes their feet, calling us to humble service of one another. Then, as he prays in the garden, Jesus is betrayed and arrested. Friday unfolds in unexpectedly terrible ways. Trials, mocking, flogging, and then a torturous and humiliating death on the cross. Undergirding it all, is the knowledge that on Easter, Jesus rises from the dead.
The roller coaster that is Holy Week is extremely powerful, but really, it is not unique. Every week of our lives we encounter at least some of these emotions. We walk through the joys and challenges of life on earth. As we, our families, and our communities face defeats and successes, celebrations and sorrows, we rest in the knowledge of God’s abiding love and presence surrounding us. The victory of the resurrection gives us hope and courage to move forward despite the struggles. The God who brings new life where we can only see death is with us no matter what we must face in Holy Week and every week.
May your Holy Week be filled with wonder and hope. May you experience the care and love of God in the challenges and joys of life on earth.
God of new life,
As we journey through the myriad of challenges and emotions Holy Week brings, fills us all with the hope of new life.
Empower me to rely on your love, your care and your strength as I face challenges and struggles that overwhelm me.
Help me to seek your help, your hope and your promise of new life when life is most difficult.
Help me to celebrate your love and blessings when life is most joyful.
Remind me that you are the one who brings life, even from death.
Remind me that you love me and the whole world enough to transform us all.