Retreat – April 10 – 11

Mark your calendar NOW!!  NOTE THE NEW DATES!!!  (We’ve moved a bit later to give spring a chance to arrive!!)

We’ll travel to Boiling Springs, PA for a day at the Wilderness Center getting a taste of the and  Wilderness Challenge Program and learning more about issues faced by at-risk youth.  We’ll be working with Amy Reuman from Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in PA and the staff of the Wilderness Center.

More details soon, but make plans to join us!  There will be plenty of time to relax, enjoy the outdoors, hike and spend time together!

We’ll leave campus on Friday, April 10th around 6 pm (unless everyone is finished with classes and can leave earlier) and be back around 7 pm on Saturday, April 11th!

For more information on LAMPA (Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in PA) or Diakon’s Wilderness Center check the links!

Here’s a video about the program:  Video

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