Easter has just begun . . .

     Easter is more than just one day – in the church, it is a seven-week long season.    After forty days of repentance, where we look for ways to turn back to God, we spend a “week of Sundays” celebrating the resurrection and rejoicing in transformation and new life!  In the first weeks, the Sunday readings are stories of Jesus appearing to the followers . . . in the garden by the tomb, in a locked room, on a journey to a neighboring town . . . ordinary encounters where Jesus brings something extraordinary.

     While we may not have actually met the risen Jesus on the street, in one way or another, each of us has encountered him.  Moments of hope and new life and forgiveness and love are filled with Jesus’ presence.  When we receive undeserved forgiveness from someone we have wronged.  As we see and are moved by spring’s new life and growth.  In compassion from a friend in a moment of need.   As we find healing from struggles we were sure would defeat us.  In the unexplainable power of bread and wine.

     As this year’s Easter season unfolds, keep an eye open for Jesus. He has left the tomb and is loose in the world. We will find him in the places that are most ordinary, most unexpected.  We will find him bringing hope and new life and forgiveness and love into places we might never expect.   Christ is risen, indeed!  Alleluia!  -ara


God of the resurrection,

You bring new life where I only expect loss and death.

You bring hope where I am filled with despair.

You bring forgiveness where I focus on guilt and blame.

You bring love where I least expect it.

As Easter unfolds, open my eyes to see you in the mundane or difficult corners of my life.

Help me to embrace the notion that you are alive and active in the world, in my world.


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