Community Healing Service

Tuesday, November 15th, Christians from across State College and Penn State gathered to pray together for healing and hope in the face of the abuse allegations and scandal that have shaken our community.  Pastors from various Christian traditions shared leadership of responsive readings, scripture and prayer which was held at Grace Lutheran Church, 205 South Garner Street, State College, PA  16801

Below is the section: Hope for this moment and the future

 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was in the beginning with God. 3All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being 4in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. 5The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.   John 1:1-5

Responsive Prayer

Leader:  God of Grace, we are overwhelmed, horrified to learn that terrible things could happen in our community.

Community:  Shine your light in the darkness

L:  We are burdened with questions and criticisms for those in positions of authority, and for ourselves.

C:  Shine your light in the darkness

L:  We are angry about so much – abuse, silence, fear, violence, exploitation, judgment, and more.

C:  Shine your light in the darkness

L:  We are distracted by sorrow and grief, by fear and uncertainty, by what we have heard, and what we have seen.

C:  Shine your light in the darkness

L:  We are deeply saddened and know our lives will never be the same.

C:  “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.”

L:  Let your light fill us with peace, trusting that you will lift us up, and bring hope in the darkness.

L:  Let your light guide us to support each other, moving toward healing through shared sorrow, and mutual comfort. 

L:  Let your light enable us to focus, empowering us to do our work, and find hope in daily tasks.

L:  Let your light bring us courage, seeing both the brokenness and the blessedness of this world.

L:  Let your light give us wisdom, knowing that your light will never be overcome.


Let us pray: God of compassion,

Empower us with the strength, the focus and the courage to face these difficult days.

Fill us all with your presence: students, faculty, staff, athletes, alumni, parents, and all members of our community.

Clear our distracted minds and help us to find our hope in you.

Remind us that darkness does not overcome your light in our lives.

We pray to you through Jesus Christ our Lord,  Amen



If you have questions, contact Alicia Anderson or 814.865.0715

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