Praying this week

As people of faith, we join together in offering our joys and concerns to God.  Some things to pray about this week:

Nations and communities in the midst of turmoil, transition and violence.  We pray for stability and peace everywhere.  May leaders emerge who are wise and committed to the good of all people.  May healing among factions come quickly, and may those who have suffered be able to forgive and move on.

We pray for everyone who does not have enough food for themselves or their families.  May people who are unsure about their next meals find sources and resources to nourish themselves and their households.  May people who have enough to eat share their resources and make it possible for others to eat.  May the nations and agencies of the world work together to make food available across the globe.  May no one be hungry anymore.

People struggling with cancer.  We pray for healing and wholeness.  May people with cancer find wise and appropriate care for their disease.  May they find support and compassion from their families and friends.  May those who care for the ill ease their suffering of body and mind and spirit.  May those who study the disease find treatments and cures for cancer.

We welcome your prayer suggestions and requests.

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