We are community.
Penn State is a big place with plenty of opportunities to be part of the nameless crowd. Lutheran Student Community will give you a chance to be part of a community where people talk, listen and share the challenges and joys of campus life. Learn More >>
Come as you are!
The Lutheran Student Community of Penn State is an intentionally safe place – open to all students – regardless of faith background, church denominational history, economic status, political affiliation, ancestry, color, national origin, race, sexual orientation or gender identity, disability or handicap, political persuasion, age, or academic standing.
Student Signup
Friends & Supporters Newsletter Signup
Worship with us
There are plenty of opportunities with our community. Weekly worship is offered Thursdays on campus at the Pasquerilla Spiritual Center, as well as Sunday services in the morning and evening at Grace Lutheran Church on South Garner Street.
Need someone to talk to?
Don’t know what you believe? Struggling with relationships? Need a listening ear? If you are feeling distressed or troubled, if you can’t quite sort things out, if you just want to talk, you are welcome to contact our Campus Minister, Alicia Anderson. Part of why our staff is here is so that we can provide emotional, spiritual, and other support to students when they most need it!
Alicia is available by email at ara2@psu.edu or by text or phone at (814) 360-0601.
Calendar of Events
Recent Blog Posts
Volunteers on Thursdays!
You can help with community food distribution! Two Thursday afternoons each month the Central PA Food Bank and YMCA of Centre County’s Anti-Huger Programs provide food in the parking lot at Grace Lutheran Church. Volunteers help with setup, pre-packing food items, check-in, and putting food into cars between 1:30 pm and 6 pm. Come for just part or for the
ELCA Post Graduation Opportunities in Denver!
Urban Servant Corps in Denver, CO is now accepting applications for the ’25-’26 year of service! USC is a one year opportunity, ideal for students who have graduated recently or will graduate this May/summer. Volunteers practice intentional community living, simplicity, spiritual exploration and full-time volunteer service with one of our nonprofit partner agencies. This is a great professional opportunity that can serve
you are beloved
Some transitions are awfully quick! Through in December, we were anticipating and preparing for the birth of the messiah. On Christmas Eve, we welcomed the Christ Child at the start of the 12 Days of Christmas. On January 6th came Epiphany, when we marked the arrival of the magi to honor the infant Jesus and celebrated the light Jesus brings
World Religions Day – Friday, Jan 17
Come check out Lutheran Student Community and lots of other religious groups at the World Religions Day Fair in the HUB on Friday, January 17! The Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development is holding its annual World Religions Day fair again this semester in the HUB Lounge on Friday, January 17 from 11 A.M. -1 P.M. This is a celebration
weekly prayer: 1/14
O God, Help me as I strive to love your people. Help me to forgive and be compassionate. Guide me as I work for justice and peace. Show me how to share good news and follow you. Reassure me, as the voice and dove reassured Jesus at his baptism. Remind me that I am yours, I am beloved, and that
You are welcome in choir!
Would you like to sing in a low-stress and fun choir this spring? Join Penn State students and older locals in the Adult Choir at Grace! Choir rehearses each Wednesday from 7-8:30 pm in the worship space at Grace. Nate Glocke is the choir’s talented and fun musician and leader. He teachers music and 7th grade choir at Mount Nittany