what are you looking for?

When we hear about John the Baptizer in the gospels, he is always pointing to the messiah.  In this week’s passage, he is literally pointing out Jesus to the people around them.  John attests to the remarkable signs that happened at Jesus’ baptism, and the next day two of John’s followers turn and walk after Jesus.  When Jesus sees them following, he asks, “What are you looking for?”  They don’t really have much of an answer – they ask where he is staying.  Jesus responds, “Come and see.” 

These are the first words we hear from Jesus in John’s gospel. Jesus says them to the pair who heard John’s remarkable testimony and began to follow Jesus.  I find such comfort in this interaction and the opportunity it creates.  Jesus asks them what they are looking for, but does not seem at all put off when they can’t really answer his question.  He invites them to come and see for themselves.  To move beyond John’s statements and build their own set of experiences and observations.  To discover what following Jesus can bring into their lives and the world.  

This is also a good question for all of us following Jesus.  What are you looking for?  What are you seeking?  What are you hoping to find in following Jesus?  People of faith have followed and still follow Jesus looking for hope, community, healing, new beginnings, forgiveness, direction, unconditional love, reconciliation, guidance, acceptance, justice, mercy, or countless other transformations that following Jesus can bring to our lives.         

Jesus invites us to come and see what he is up to.  Jesus invites us to discover how love and mercy are making all things new, and creating community where life-giving change can truly happen.



weekly prayer | John, Jesus and some followers in John 1

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