Evening Prayer online & in person

Starting in February Evening Prayer has been both online and in person at 6 pm!

We’re working out the best way to fit together folks who are online and in person, and we still gather, chat and check in with each other. We use a blend of live music recorded music for Holden Evening Prayer.

There are chances to read the Bible passages, share some of your thoughts, listen to the reflection, ask for prayers for yourself or other people, and certainly plenty of laughter. And lots of candles.

Whether you are online or in person, there are also ways to share your musical gifts, vocally or instrumentally, if you’d like!

If you haven’t participated in Thursday’s Evening Prayer before, we invite you to give it a try. The liturgy is simple and beautiful, using the ancient words and grace-filled images that speak to our lives today.

You are always welcome to come as you are!

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