breath, spirit, wind

I just typed to a friend, “my brain will soon explode.”

No, not really.  It’s just that my brain feels very full just now, lots of sorting out lots of details, both at home and on campus, and I am beginning to feel like there is just too much for me to think about and decide on and tend.

At times like these, what I need is to stop for a moment and breathe.

When I slowly take in a deep breath, then let it out all the way, I feel calmer, more grounded, better able to see through the clutter that is gathering in my mind, and manage the tasks at hand.  I know there is a biological explanation for this that has to do with oxygen and stress hormones and my bloodstream, but on another level, I am always struck by how even one deep, slow breath can clear my mind, slow down the thoughts, and help me focus on what I need to do next.

Breath, spirit, wind.  God is in them all.  God breathed life into the man God had formed man out of dust, and gave him life in Genesis 2.  The holy spirit came at Pentecost with a sound like the rush of a violent wind, spreading tongues of fire on the disciples.  We notice God’s presence in a wild storm or a gentle breeze.

When you find things are too much, stop for a moment and breathe.  Invite God’s gift of life and breath to fill you, calm you, and restore you.

Alicia Anderson, Campus Minister

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