Did you get a chance to see the eclipse?  Were you among the dozens of people hiking up Mt. Nittany on Labor Day?  When did you last (or ever) see a sunrise?  Do the bunnies and squirrels on campus make you smile?  Are you amazed by the power of a thunderstorm?

Summer is winding down, and the weather reminds us that the seasons are changing.  As hot summer days move into cool autumn evenings, the sun sets earlier every day.  Migrating birds start training for their long flights.  Leaves begin to change and hint at the wide variety of colors that will soon cover the mountainsides of our valley.

It is easy to forget that human beings are part of the natural world.  Through the generations, we have used our creative and technical skills to build shelter and transit and communication, all of which can separate us from nature.  Yet, even as we escape the weather and rhythms and discomforts of creation, we are part of it all.  When we encounter natural things, we may find beauty, peace, healing for our spirits.

Look at the beauty around you.  Watch the creatures.  Notice the shadows and the sun.  Look for stars and the phases of the moon.  Feel the wind and the rain.  Remember that the one who created it all, also created you.  Remember that you are among the countless remarkable creations God has filled this world with.  Remember that you are one of the ways God is blessing creation.


Psalm 19:1

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky proclaims its maker’s handiwork.

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