Reaching Beyond Bias – Islamophobia Sunday, October 9 – Monday, October 10, 2016

Bias can lead us to pre-judge people, to question their motives or priorities, and sometimes even see them as less-than-fully human.  Differences in race, religion, political perspective, gender, economic class, neighborhood and more can divide us and drive us apart.  As people of faith, we are called to live in ways that  reflect the love and inclusion of God.  The basics of our faith lead us to see all people as God’s beloved children, and to reach beyond bias.

Sunday, October 9th and Monday October 10th, Lutheran Campus Ministry is hosting a visiting scholar who will help us talk about bias against Muslims in our culture, our faith tradition, and our community.   Dr. Todd Green is a faculty member from Luther College (my alma mater) who is working in Washington, DC this year as a Franklin Fellow with the US State Department in the area of Islamophobia in Europe. While here, he will meet with a variety of groups, including LSC at Sunday night dinner.  I’ve taken classes from Dr. Green, and think you will find him interesting, engaging and thought-provoking as well as a little edgy.

Here are some options:

Sunday, October 9th  11:30 am – 1 pm
“Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God?”
Lunch Conversation in the Fireside Room at Grace Lutheran Church

Sunday, October 9th   2 – 4 pm
“Building Bridges: Confronting Islamophobia”

Interfaith Coffee Hour hosted by the Interfaith Initiative of  Centre County
University Baptist and Brethren Church, 411 South Boroughs Street

Sunday, October 9th   7 – 8:30 pm
“Islamophobia Unplugged: Experiences, Thoughts and Reflections Together”

Informal Dinner Conversation for Christian student ministry groups, including LSC
Fireside Room at Grace Lutheran Church

Monday, October 10th   7 – 8:30 pm
“What is Islamophobia?  Causes and Casualties of Anti-Muslim Bigotry in America”

Public Lecture in Memorial Lounge at Pasquerilla Spiritual Center
Reception Following.

Come to learn more.
Come to be part of the conversation.
Come because you care about issues of faith and inclusion.
Come to find meaningful ways to honor and respect the differences between Christians and Muslims in this community and in the communities you will live in after you graduate.
Come because of Jesus’ call to love our neighbor as ourselves.



God of all creation,
You love all your children, and you call me to live in loving ways toward them, too.
Help me to notice where bias gets in the way.
Help me to see beyond categories that lead to division.
Help me to live respect and inclusion for people who differ from me.

Open my eyes to the world around me.
Help me to see it as you do.

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