Another option after graduation . . .

This week’s career fairs have meant lots of well-dressed students on the Loop, researching companies and re-working resumes.  Even for those who aren’t close to graduation, it has everyone thinking about what comes next after graduation.

Consider another option after graduation . . . no matter what your major, you could spend a year living in another country, working alongside people of another culture, learning things you never imagined you’d learn about yourself, other people and the world.  The ELCA’s Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program equips and sends young adults like you to accompany people in one of nine countries, learning from them, experiencing life on their terms, and finding out just how diverse and blessed this world is.

It is mission work, but not like you may have imagined.  No “preaching” required.  Just living out your faith in the midst of another community, and getting the chance to see how God is active and working in distant places.

Check out the YAGM Website

We are working on a visit from the YAGM recruiter this fall – a young adult who spent last year in this very role, and who can tell you all about it!

Want more information?  Contact Alicia Anderson, campus minister

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