Your gifts of support are so important.

College years often test and challenge students on a number of levels.  As they learn about their field, the world around them, and themselves, young men and women often search for spiritual connections, looking for a safe place where they can find God and ask questions about life, faith, and meaning.

Your gifts to Lutheran Campus Ministry help us provide just that: a community of faith that takes student lives and issues seriously.  Through your support, we gather students for worship, conversation and meals together.  You help offer study and faith exploration opportunities.  You provide support and care for students in crisis.  You make it possible for us to walk with students while they are here on campus, learning, growing and discovering more fully who they are and who God is calling them to be.

Thank you for your financial support of Lutheran Campus Ministry at Penn State!

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    Lutheran Campus Ministry 211A Pasquerilla Spiritual Center University Park, PA 16802
    (814) 865-0715 |

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