Take a deep breath.

Have dinner with a friend.

Go for a walk.

Listen to music that give you energy and enthusiasm.

Pray for peace and strength.

Call your mom for support.

Sing along with Spotify.

Eat a salad.


Take a nap.

Get together with friends.

There are countless ways to manage the stress and anxiety that crops up as the semester comes to an end. I know, I know, you have way too much to accomplish between now and when you leave for semester break, but panic will not help. Sleep, water, decent food, and a break now and then will do you a world of good.

Try and adjust your expectations of yourself to something realistic. Prioritize and then take it one task at a time. You will be able to do much more than you imagine if you can be calm and choiceful. And remember that you have the gifts and abilities to do this.

Take a deep breath.

And let that breath fill you with the peace of God,

who created you,

loves you,

and walks with you every moment of every day.



O God,

When I am overwhelmed, help me see my way forward.

When I am distracted, help me to focus and accomplish things.

When I am distressed, help me to find support.

When I am panicky, help me to be calm.


When I am uncertain, help me to choose well.

When I am disappointed, help me to set is aside and move on.

When I am in pain, help me find healing.


When I am hopeful, help me to use that hope.

When I am joyful, help me to share that joy.

When I am loved, help me to love those around me.


Enfold me in your care.

Help me to be the best I can be.

Forgive me when I hurt others or myself.

Use me to make this world a better place.


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