Take moment

As your coursework and other activities begin to get more demanding, it can be easy to get overwhelmed.  Remember to make time for balance in your week.  Make sure you take time away from the coursework and other work.  Feed your spirit with music, prayer, reading, walks outdoors.   Explore questions about life, direction, faith.  Make time for old and new friends.  Relax a little.  Laugh a little.  Celebrate when things go well. 

There are a variety of routes to finding balalnce in your days.  Time alone, involvement in organizations, time with friends and with family,  LSC is also here to help you find balance in your college life, and more.  At worship or Bible study or dinner or other events, you will find a place of welcome, where the questions of life and faith are part of what we do and who we are! 

As you take care of yourself, find ways to grow in faith and listen to what God is saying to you!   

Peace to you,  –Alicia

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