Praying this week

As people of faith, we join together in offering our joys and concerns to God. Some things to pray about this week:

Safety and wisdom this weekend.  We pray that celebrations will be reasonable, safe and healthy for all invovlved.  May those who gather here in State College make wise choices, for their own health, and the health of others.  May those who are serving on Saturday find meaning in serving others and the community.  May the agencies and people helped be blessed by this work. May the campus and the community come together to encourage responsibility and good judgement.

Students and others seeking direction.  We pray for those who are trying to find just what path to follow in their studies, their work, their lives.  May those who are seeking find support from people who care about them, and will listen well.  May they find how best to use their gifts and passions in ways that will make am impact on the world, and be a blessing.

Penn State community. We continue to pray  for all who are part of the Penn State community.  May we support and care for survivors of abuse.  May we find ways to move forward with honesty and openness.  May we remember that Penn State is a place where students come to study and grow into honorable young adults, and a place where faculty and staff are devoted to helping them do just that. May all within the Penn State community find the courage to behave with integrity and compassion in the face of difficult circumstances.

We welcome your prayer suggestions and requests.

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