Service Opportunity February 25th

What are you doing on February 25th?
Come mix service with leadership by working at the Allegheny Synod Day of Service!
High school youth from churches in Centre and the surrounding counties will come together on Saturday, Feburary 25th to share devotions, get to know each other, spend the morning serving a local agency, have lunch together, then talk about the experience, and wrap up with worship.  We’ll be exploring service and how we care for the needs of others from the perspective of Christian faith . . . and you can be part of the event!
We are looking for college students to join the event as small group leaders . . . we’d love you to be part of the event!  We’ll spend some time in preparation for the event, and at the event from 8 am – 3:30 pm on the 25th.  There has been talk of doing an overnight on Friday, February 24th as our “getting-ready” for the event.
If you are interested, please email Alicia Anderson, campus minister, and let her know you are thinking about it.  If you have questions, just let her know!
Please give it some thought!  It will be a great opportunity!

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