Thanksgiving Potluck Sunday November 13th

Sunday is our Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner!  A perfect time to take a break from school work and the news and gather with LSC to give thanks and get some turkey before break!  We’ll provide  a delicious turkey and dressing and potatoes for Sunday, November 13th after the 6 pm worship service – students will bring the rest.  Put your cooking skills to work, or if you prefer, pick up something at the gracery store!!  Wonder what we need?  Contact Allison Miller for suggestions or to stake your claim on your Thanksgiving favorite!

We will gather for dinner around 7pm at Grace Lutheran Church (depending on the construction, we’ll be in the Fireside Room or Harkins Hall(below the sanctuary).

Thanksgiving dinner – the ultimate comfort food!

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    (814) 865-0715 |

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