God loves you. period.

Word is out that a Christian group that stands against homosexuality will be coming to State College to demonstrate at the Penn State vs. Nebraska game tomorrow.  Their message is that God hates people who are gay or lesbian.  They say that God uses tragedy to punish families or communities.

They are wrong.  Period.

If you encounter these people toorrow at the game or in town, please just ignore them.  Their actions are intended to upset people and evoke a response.  Please don’t give them an opportunity to share their perspective.  They are trying to share what they think God is about, but God is not who they say.  You know that God is a generous, loving, compassionate, forgiving creator, savior and advocate, who calls us to treat each other with the kind of generosity, love,  compassion and forgiveness that we have found from God.

Do what you can to NOT let the hate of this or any group add to the suffering in our community.

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